REBEL VEGAN LIFE: A Plant-Based Nutrition & Beginner’s Guide
While the first book provides the ‘why’ for veganism, the second book in the trilogy offers the ‘how’. It’s a complete manual for creating a plant-based lifestyle—in a flexible and sustainable way that works for your unique circumstances. Written with a Dutch nutritionist, it includes a full nutritional guide with 29 of Sinclair’s favourite and easy recipes, along with tips on healthy eating, eating out, staying motivated on your plant-based journey, and much more.

Each year billions of people become ill or die from zoonotic diseases because of our shocking and often hidden mistreatment of farmed animals in the current industrial food system.
We now know that high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity have a much higher risk of Covid-related mortality.
Research shows that a diet laden with meat and other animal products is a huge factor in the development of these diseases.
And it’s been proven that wholefood, plant-based diets reduce the risk of all these health conditions (including the severity of Covid).
This means that changing the way we eat has never been more critical.
In this groundbreaking book, Todd Sinclair—former dairy farmer turned bestselling author and longtime activist—shows us how a vegan lifestyle is the foundation for our personal and global health.
But while the solution is straightforward, making the changes can seem overwhelming.
Not anymore. REBEL VEGAN LIFE: Plant-Based Nutrition and Beginner’s Guide is here to guide you.
The second book in Sinclair’s REBEL VEGAN trilogy is your complete manual for creating a plant-based lifestyle – in a sustainable way that works for you.
The REBEL VEGAN ethos is about being compassionate – to yourself, others, the planet, and animals. Banish all thoughts of restrictions or ‘giving up’ your favorite foods. Being a Rebel Vegan will enhance your life, expand your horizons and reveal exciting, new possibilities in the way you eat.
In this ultimate plant-based nutritional guide, you’ll learn:
How eating vegan is better for you, other people, animals and the planet
What plant-based foods you need to eat to be healthy
How to stock the PERFECT vegan pantry—including a complete list of everything you’ll need for your plant-based dishes
How easy it is to cook vegan—including 29 recipes that can be adapted to YOUR tastes and YOUR schedule
How to transition to a 100% vegan diet within 28 days—without giving up any of your favorite foods (even if you ‘love meat’)
Insider tips on eating out
How to come out as a vegan and connect with your community
The secrets to staying motivated on your plant-based journey
How to go beyond diet to create a cruelty-free life
Covid has forced us to rethink the way we live. We now have a golden opportunity to overhaul our food production, prevent future pandemics and become the best version of ourselves.
Take the first step to transform your life by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button at the top.
REBEL VEGAN LIFE: A Plant-Based Nutrition & Beginner’s Guide
Other yummy recipes from the Rebel Vegan Life Nutrition Guide
What People Are Saying
“5.0 out of 5 stars Highly recommend!! After completing Todd's first book, I immediately ordered his second one 'A Plant-based nutrition and Beginner's Guide'. He brings together really useful nutritional advice with really helpful advice and tips about how to transform your life to a vegan one. He even has a 28-day transition plan with some yummy recipes.”
Elizabeth Greening
“I have tried and failed to go vegetarian several times throughout my life. I wasn’t even 100 pages into this fantastically written piece of work when I chose to be vegan that moment. At this point in time I am 12 days in and I will not go back.
If more people approached veganism this way I truly believe we’d be a larger portion of the population. MUST READ
Kari & DJ
“5.0 out of 5 stars Great Guide for Beginners. This is a wonderful book for a beginner vegan. Non-judgemental and inclusive of of all who are just starting and bound to make mistakes. The author acknowledges that each one of us will have a different journey and that there isn’t only one way to lead a more plant based lifestyle. I really appreciate being included even though I am a true beginner. Thank you Todd Sinclair for sharing your passion without being preachy. Well done!”